Jessica and Daniel - January 3rd, 2009
Jessica and Daniel were married on January 3rd, 2009 (great way to ring in the new year...just keeping partying, eh?!) at the Ninth Street Abbey in Soulard. It was a great day for a January fact it was a balmy mid-50's day! :) We had the opportunity to steal away from the reception and do some pictures outside in the night fog...awesome! Maria and I were blessed to have Maria's cousin (once removed) Stephanie Brunig -- who is a senior studying photography at Northwest Mo. State -- join us to shoot Jessica and Daniel's wedding. What a fun night it was for all of us!

I've shot a number of weddings at Ninth Street Abbey before...but never in the winter. So I guess that's why I've never discovered the upstairs rooms back behind the main building...there was this cool narrow hallway and we had to do some post-wedding bridal shots in this little hallway. Jessica was totally up for it! (And, hey, we work quickly!)
Here we are out in the night fog! This shot is completely lit by an outside security light shining from one of the condos across the street. The bus in the background -- nicely shining his lights through the fog -- mad for a nice touch on this shot. In fact...I only made him back up and re-shoot this shot about nine times until we got it just right. ;) (Just kidding...)

Here is the beautiful bride dancing with her 94 year-old grandfather! He danced the night away with his daughter and grand-daughter...just to name a few of the people on his dance card!
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